

Zapiekanki are the quintessential Polish street food, but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy them at home. It’s kind of like a pizza, so kids and adults alike tend to love it. Just like pizza the toppings are completely up to you. I’m partial to sliced up Polish sausage, but you can really do whatever you want. It’s nice on a baguette because they’re more or less the traditional shape, but a fat slice of toasted sourdough or other hardy bread will also work in a pinch.  

INGREDIENTS makes 6 servings

2 packages (about 8 oz each) white or button mushrooms (sliced if you’ll be using them that day)

2 Tbs canola oil

1 onion, finely diced

1 baguette

3-6 tsp spreadable butter or garlic butter

1 cup shredded cheese (most Polish people like swiss or monterey jack types)

1/2 cup sliced Polish sausage for topping (optional)

Ketchup (for serving)



  • 2 packages (about 8 oz each) white or button mushrooms (sliced if you’ll be using them that day)
  • 2 Tbs canola oil
  • 1 onion, finely diced

1. Dice the mushrooms very fine. You can put them briefly into a food processor, just make sure that they are still in small chunks and not a paste. Heat the oil in a pan over medium, and add the mushrooms. Cool stirring occasionally until browned, and any liquid released as been cooked out, 10 – 15 minn. Add the diced onion (you can also use a food processor for the onion with the same caveat as for the mushrooms), and saute for another 10 min, or until the mushrooms are well browned and reduced in size, and the onion begins to brown. Set aside.

  • 1 baguette
  • 3-6 tsp spreadable butter or garlic butter
  • 1 cup shredded cheese (most Polish people like swiss or monterey jack types), or more if necessary
  • 1/2 cup sliced Polish sausage for topping (optional)

2. Slice the baguette in half length wise, then cut each half into 3 pieces crosswise. You should have 6 baguette pieces inside facing up and crust down. Butter each baguette piece with 1/2 – 1 tsp of the butter. Spread the mushroom and onion mixture on top of the butter, distributing evenly across the 6 pieces. You can pack it down a little if necessary. Sprinkle the cheese on top, dividing it evenly for the 6 pieces. Add more or less cheese according to preference. If using the Polish sausage slices, place 3-4 slices on top of the cheese, making sure they do not overlap. Turn the broiler. Place the zapiekanki on a baking sheet and put under the broiler once it gets hot (shouldn’t take long). Broil for 3-5 min, depending on your broiler and how close you can place the zapiekanki, keeping an eye on them. Remove once the cheese is melted and the edges of the sausage curl up and start browning.

3. Serve immediately, putting a zig-zag of ketchup over the top.