Truffle Popcorn

Truffle Popcorn

This easy recipe is what turned me from an adamant microwave popcorn person, to a DIY approach. The trick is to wait until a few kernels crack, so you know when the oil is hot enough, then placing your kernels on the heat. No burned pieces and they all pop! You can do this with any flavor of your favorite oil, but truffle oil is my favorite. This is pretty much the only thing I use it for. 

INGREDIENTS makes 4 servings

1/2 cup popping corn kernels

3 Tbs canola or vegetable oil

1/2 cup truffle oil, divided into 3

salt in a salt shaker (to taste)


  • 3 Tbs canola or vegetable oil
  • 3 popping corn kernels
  • 1/2 cup popping corn kernels

1. Pour the oil into a large pot that has a lid. Put 3 popping corn kernels into the pot, and cover askew so that steam can rise from the pot. Heat on medium high. When the 3 corn kernels pop, you know that the oil is at the correct temperature. Pour the rest of the corn kernels into the oil, and cover with the lid askew. Continually move the pot back and forth over the burner to shake the kernels as they pop. Once the kernels begin popping every 2 – 3 sec, remove from heat and pour out into a large bowl immediately (otherwise it’ll burn).

  • 1/2 cup truffle oil, divided into 3
  • salt in a salt shaker (to taste)

2. Pour about 1/3 of the truffle oil over the popcorn using a slow, steady, stream and distributing all around the bowl. Then use the salt shaker to salt the popcorn. Mix thoroughly with a large spoon. Taste a kernel to see if you’ve reached your desired level of seasoning. If not, repeat the process with more oil and/or salt as needed. I like to use a lot of oil, so I usually go through the whole 1/2 cup, however, I’m betting most of you will be fine with about 1/3 cup oil.