Tag: sweet potato

Chard and Sweet Potato Hash-brown Breakfast

Chard and Sweet Potato Hash-brown Breakfast

Not usually a “healthy eating” fanatic, but these hashbrowns just happen to be really good for you! Honestly I like them better than normal hashbrowns. Since I discovered them on the Centr app (which I highly recommend), they have become a staple weekend breakfast at 

Sweet Potato and Peanut Chili

Sweet Potato and Peanut Chili

This vegetarian (even vegan!) chili may seem a bit odd, but it is absolutely worth a try. I was initially intrigued because of the peanuts, and now it’s my go-to chili (even over meat chilies, oh my!). Everyone who’s tried it says they are absolutely 

Honey Roasted Parsnip Sweet Potatoes And Apples

Honey Roasted Parsnip Sweet Potatoes And Apples

I love harvest veggies, and this is probably my favorite side to make for the fall season. Parsnip and parsley root are so under used and under appreciated! Also, the soy sauce really adds a depth of flavor you rarely see with sweet potatoes and apples.The 

Turkey Stew

Turkey Stew

I was feeling patriotic after the 4th of July and decided to make this stew. My first introduction to American food was around Thanksgiving, so in my mind American equals harvest foods hahaha. Either way this light stew is perfect for the summer, especially since 

Chicken and Sweet Potato Pot Pie

Chicken and Sweet Potato Pot Pie

This recipe is so easy, I almost didn’t post it. But my husband thought it was so delicious I had to give you guys the recipe. The original recipe is from womansday.com and I have not changed anything about it (yet). The difficult and time