Tag: soup

Kapusniak (Polish Sauerkraut Soup)

Kapusniak (Polish Sauerkraut Soup)

Doesn’t get much simpler and more quintessentially Polish than sour cabbage (sauerkraut) soup. It may sound odd,  but it’s a delicious comforting meal, perfect for those fall and winter night dinners. If you want to cut down on the sour-ness, you can rinse the sauerkraut 

Chlodnik (Cold Summer Beet Soup)

Chlodnik (Cold Summer Beet Soup)

Chlodnik is a traditional Polish summer soup. At this time of year the young beets are starting to be harvested. The delicate texture of the beets and stems, as well as the quality of the young beet leaves makes this a summer favorite that can’t 



Zurek recipes are hard. It’s usually done by “feel” and the ingredients are difficult to come by in the US. First thing’s first, you have to find some sour rye paste, or zur. If you can’t get that, Polish stores often stock either powdered zurek 

Creamy Carrot and Apple Soup

Creamy Carrot and Apple Soup

I love making this soup right at the beginning of fall, before it gets too cold (or anytime in SoCal since it’s never cold lol). It’s warm but refreshing. And the bright color is fun. I also often serve it for Thanksgiving. If you enjoy 

The Best Gazpacho

The Best Gazpacho

This really is the best gazpacho. I’m generally not a big fan, but I make 2 batches of this every time. It’s so good I always want more after the first meal. It’s great as a light dinner or lunch on its own, but can 

My Favorite Pumpkin Soup

My Favorite Pumpkin Soup

I love love love this savory pumpkin soup! The original is by Heston Blumenthal, but I got it by way of a friends blog mojadelicja.pl. I stray a bit from the recipe, just to make life easier. You can use any kind of pumpkin here, 

Krupnik (Polish Beef Barley Soup)

Krupnik (Polish Beef Barley Soup)

Krupnik was one of my favorite soups growing up. It’s rich scent of mushrooms combined with the beef and barley make it a very satisfying and hearty meal. The original recipe from “Kuchnia Polska” instructs you to cook the vegetables whole, then remove and dice 

Watermelon Cherry Cold Soup

Watermelon Cherry Cold Soup

I really love cold dessert soups. They’re great as an appetizer, dessert, or even for breakfast. And they tend to be very easy to make. I found this particular soup idea on instagram. The sage is a really interesting touch, especially with the ginger. Fresh 

Coconut Cream Corn Soup

Coconut Cream Corn Soup

I’m continuing my current corn season bonanza with this unexpected “creamed” corn soup. The coconut milk, cumin, and lemon juice give this soup a very unique flavor. And of course, who can resist popcorn as a garnish! The original recipe is from “Rodzinna Kuchnia Lidla”, 

Traditional Corn Chowder

Traditional Corn Chowder

This corn chowder recipe is from well before people cared about counting calories, but for all that it definitely doesn’t skimp on flavor. One of my all time favorite soups, I’ll take it over a clam chowder any time. This soup is great for dinner,