Tag: snack

Smalec (Polish Bacon Butter)

Smalec (Polish Bacon Butter)

Smalec is an all time favorite for every Pole. It’s always present for celebrations and feasts, eaten at home as a snack, and regularly served with beer at pubs and bars. This recipe is for a home-style smalec, which is more chunkey. Many people leave 

Sardine Crostini with Spinach Pesto and Currant Raisins

Sardine Crostini with Spinach Pesto and Currant Raisins

Ever wonder “what the heck am I gonna do with all these canned sardines that my parents bought”? Just me? Either way this appetizer is a delicious snack, even for those who claim not to like sardines. It was even a hit with those that 

Pumpkin Bread with Cranberries and Flaxseed

Pumpkin Bread with Cranberries and Flaxseed

This is my all time favorite thing to bake. I love pumpkin and it’s so easy! Who knew flaxseed could be so good. Not only that, but according to “The New American Plate” it’s full of fiber, phytochemical lignans, and omega-3 fatty acids. The pumpkin 

Corn and Green Chile Muffins

Corn and Green Chile Muffins

These muffins are a nice and easy alternative to traditional corn bread. They also pack a good punch if you used roasted green chilies instead of the canned ones. I like to use coarse ground cornmeal, but it makes no difference. These go great as 

Traditional Biscuits

Traditional Biscuits

Not many people make biscuits now-a-days but they’re actually pretty easy. Extra easy if you have a food processor. I made these for breakfast, but they can easily be served with any meal. I’m a sucker for biscuits and gravy, but during corn season I 

Sledzie w Smietanie (Herring in Cream Sauce)

Sledzie w Smietanie (Herring in Cream Sauce)

Herring is a traditional dish served in Poland at every party, holiday, and often eaten for breakfast as well as supper. There are many ways to prepare the herring, but the two most common are in cream and in oil. Here I’ll show you how 

Banana Oatmeal Cookies

Banana Oatmeal Cookies

This is hands down my favorite cookie. I have no idea why it isn’t more popular than the traditional oatmeal cookie. I like my cookies almost cake-like, but these can also be made to have that traditional crunch. The original recipe is from “The New 

Truffle Popcorn

Truffle Popcorn

This easy recipe is what turned me from an adamant microwave popcorn person, to a DIY approach. The trick is to wait until a few kernels crack, so you know when the oil is hot enough, then placing your kernels on the heat. No burned pieces