Tag: breakfast

Chard and Sweet Potato Hash-brown Breakfast

Chard and Sweet Potato Hash-brown Breakfast

Not usually a “healthy eating” fanatic, but these hashbrowns just happen to be really good for you! Honestly I like them better than normal hashbrowns. Since I discovered them on the Centr app (which I highly recommend), they have become a staple weekend breakfast at 

Broccoli and Shrimp Frittata

Broccoli and Shrimp Frittata

I know this combination sounds odd, but it is absolutely fantastic. And the sauce makes it a grand slam. This Asian-fusion frittata is great for brunch obviously, but I have been known to make it for a light spring or summer dinner as well. The 

Pumpkin Cornbread

Pumpkin Cornbread

I absolutely love this cornbread. It’s not only easy to make, but appropriate for all occasions. It strikes that perfect balance between sweet and savory, making it perfect for both. The original recipe is out of “The Pumpkin Cookbook”, and although there is pumpkin in 

Pumpkin Oat Scones

Pumpkin Oat Scones

Another pumpkin scone! These scones are also from “The Pumpkin Cookbook” and they need no adjustment. They are a bit more hearty, and will make you want to sit with a cup of coffee and read the newspaper while eating them. If there was ever 

Lemon Pumpkin Cranberry Scones

Lemon Pumpkin Cranberry Scones

If you know me, you know I love everything pumpkin. L.O.V.E. These scones are from “The Pumpkin Cookbook”. I have had to alter a few things though. For some reason the specified baking time is very much too short. I’ve also found out you can 

Chlodnik (Cold Summer Beet Soup)

Chlodnik (Cold Summer Beet Soup)

Chlodnik is a traditional Polish summer soup. At this time of year the young beets are starting to be harvested. The delicate texture of the beets and stems, as well as the quality of the young beet leaves makes this a summer favorite that can’t 

Watermelon Feta Salad

Watermelon Feta Salad

Big fan of watermelon and feta in the summer. But I do feel that it often needs a little something extra like blueberries and mint or basil. This salad is often shown as a “pizza” served on top of a watermelon wedge. It looks pretty, 

Twarozek (Farmers Cheese Spread)

Twarozek (Farmers Cheese Spread)

Twarozek is definitely a Polish breakfast staple. It’s great eaten on the side like a small salad or on top of bread like a thick spread. Farmers cheese can be scarce, so I often use cottage cheese instead, especially the small curd type. It also 

Jajko w Szklance (Egg In a Cup)

Jajko w Szklance (Egg In a Cup)

This simple breakfast dish is solidly a staple of my childhood. It’s a delicious way to start the day! I’ve noticed that my American friends don’t really eat soft boiled eggs, which is a terrible shame. If you haven’t given it a try, this is 

Almond Pumpkin Bread

Almond Pumpkin Bread

It’s pumpkin season again! I don’t know what that means for you, but I go crazy trying all kinds of pumpkin anything. This pumpkin bread was one of said new pumpkin adventures. I’m not usually one for gluten-free or dairy-free cooking so I was very