Tag: appetizer

Sardine Crostini with Spinach Pesto and Currant Raisins

Sardine Crostini with Spinach Pesto and Currant Raisins

Ever wonder “what the heck am I gonna do with all these canned sardines that my parents bought”? Just me? Either way this appetizer is a delicious snack, even for those who claim not to like sardines. It was even a hit with those that 

Watermelon Cherry Cold Soup

Watermelon Cherry Cold Soup

I really love cold dessert soups. They’re great as an appetizer, dessert, or even for breakfast. And they tend to be very easy to make. I found this particular soup idea on instagram. The sage is a really interesting touch, especially with the ginger. Fresh 

Sledzie w Smietanie (Herring in Cream Sauce)

Sledzie w Smietanie (Herring in Cream Sauce)

Herring is a traditional dish served in Poland at every party, holiday, and often eaten for breakfast as well as supper. There are many ways to prepare the herring, but the two most common are in cream and in oil. Here I’ll show you how 

Shrimp with Grapefruit and Black Bean Salsa

Shrimp with Grapefruit and Black Bean Salsa

This salad is great for lunch on hot summer days (so pretty much all year round in SoCal), and can be a delicious and light appetizer before dinner. The original recipe is from “The New American Plate” — put together by the American Institute for