Rolmopsy z Jablkiem (Herring with Apples)

Rolmopsy z Jablkiem (Herring with Apples)

Herring is a traditional dish served in Poland at every party, holiday, and often eaten for breakfast as well as supper. There are many ways to prepare the herring, and this is one of the less common ones. Rolmopsy are a German style herring that’s usually rolled into a bit sized piece and held together with a toothpick. Although the original recipe from “Kuchnia Polska” did instruct to do this, I couldn’t make it work. Therefore I prepared the herring exactly the same way but instead of rolling them up at the end, I layered them in the onion and apple mixture just like I do with the more traditional herring in oil and herring in cream preparations. Although you can eat the herring right away, it tastes best if you let it marinade for at least 3 days before serving.

INGREDIENTS makes 5 – 8 servings

1 pack herring fillets (about 500g or 1 lb)

1 onion, diced small

1 sour apple, grated large or diced small

juice of 4 lemons

5 peppercorns

1 allspice corn

1 bay leaf

1/4 tsp ground black pepper

1/4 tsp ground mustard seeds

1 empty and cleaned large pickle jar (or other jar of equivalent size)


  • 1 pack herring fillets (about 500g or 1 lb)
  • ice water

1. Remove the herring fillets from the package and rinse gently in ice water, then (gently) pat dry. Slice the herring into bite sized pieces, about 1 – 2 inches long.


  • juice of 4 lemons
  • water (varies)
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 1 allspice corn
  • 5 peppercorns

2. Measure the juice of all 4 lemons and mix with an equal amount of water. In a small saucepan combine the lemon juice, water, peppercorns, allspice, and bay leaf. Bring the mixture to a boil. Remove from heat and set aside to cool completely.


  • 1 onion, diced small
  • 1 sour apple, grated large or diced small
  • 1/4 tsp ground black pepper
  • 1/4 tsp ground mustard seeds

3. Mix together the onion, apple, black pepper and mustard seeds. Set aside.


  • 1 empty and cleaned large pickle jar (or other jar of equivalent size)

4. Place a layer apple and onion mixture at the bottom of the jar. Place a single layer of herring pieces on top of the apple onion layer. Repeat this layering process until the jar is full and all of the herring pieces are used up. Pour the lemon juice pickling liquid into the jar, until full. Close the jar and let sit in the refrigerator for 3 days. Serve cold with bread on the side.