Deviled Eggs in Mushroom Gravy

Deviled Eggs in Mushroom Gravy

This is one of the simplest, fastest and most delicious things you can make with an egg. These deviled eggs always disappear like hot cakes at any party and I especially like to serve them around Easter. Because they’re served warm they’re also a brunch favorite. If you’re not a fan of mushroom gravy, try your favorite kind! I’ve also been dying to see how this works with a curry type sauce — I’m betting it’s delicious, especially since egg curry is so good. If you try it with a curry, let me know!      

INGREDIENTS makes 2-3 servings

5 eggs

1 – 1.5 cups mushroom gravy or sauce, divided

3 slices of bacon or ham

salt to taste



  • 5 eggs

1. Hard boil the eggs. To do this, put them in a pot of water, fully submerged, and bring the pot to a boil. Boil for 10 min. If you’re afraid the eggs may crack, add about a tablespoon of salt to the water. Remove from heat, starin and shock cool the eggs under cold running water until cool. I find that it’s not enough to just put the eggs in cold water, it has to be cold running water, otherwise the eggs heat the water and it doesn’t have the shock cool effect you need so that they are easy to peel. Conversely, you can put the eggs in an ice bath. Once the eggs are cool, peel them, cut them in half lengthwise and remove the yolks into a bowl. Set aside the bowl with the yolks and the cooked whites.


  • 3 slices of bacon or ham
  • 1 Tbs mushroom gravy or sauce

2. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Dice the bacon or ham small, and saute until browned and crispy (3 – 5 min). Once finished, mix the meat with the extracted egg yolks. Add 1 Tbs of the mushroom gravy or sauce and mix thoroughly. Fill the empty egg whites with the yolk bacon and gravy mixture, distributing as evenly as possible until all of the egg white halves are filled and the filling is gone. Place deviled eggs on a platter or plate, and put in the oven to heat up and keep warm.


  • 1 – 1.5 cups mushroom gravy or sauce

3. Once read to serve, heat up the remaining gravy. Pour the gravy over the warm deviled eggs. Serve immediately.


4. These don’t keep well because of the gravy poured on top. If you’re not sure you’re going to eat all of the ones you make right away, put what you’re not serving in the fridge. When you’re ready to serve, heat up the deviled eggs in the oven at 200 degrees; meanwhile heat up the gravy. Pour the gravy over the warmed deviled eggs and serve immediately.