Cape Fear Punch

Cape Fear Punch

I am shamelessly ripping off Alton Brown’s recipe here. You can’t beat an old school punch, and this one will definitely delight (not to mention kick you in the teeth!). The only complaint I’ve ever gotten is that it’s stronger than people expect, so if you don’t want your friends getting more drunk then you/they intended, make sure to give them a heads up. Then give them a heads up again after the first glass, because everyone always comes back for more. This recipe make 2 batches. It’s done that way so that the champagne added at the end doesn’t lose its bubbles. If you know you’ll be using both batches that night, prep all of the fruits etc. beforehand and then just add the seltzer and bubbly. That way you don’t forget anything for the second batch (after you’re a bit tips lol). I, without fail, always forget the nutmeg. 

INGREDIENTS makes 20 servings

For the base:

750 ml rye whiskey

750 ml water

1/2 cup Demerara sugar

3 bags green tea

375 ml rum

375 ml Cognac

4 whole lemons

For the punch:

2 small oranges, thinly sliced

4 small lemons, thinly sliced

2 (750 ml) bottles sparkling wine or Champagne

1 liter seltzer or sparkling water

1 large ice block (not ice cubes)

Freshly grated nutmeg



Make the base

  • 750 ml rye whiskey
  • 750 ml water
  • 1/2 cup sugar (Demerara if you can get it)
  • 3 bags green tea

1. Pour the rye whiskey into a 4-quart container. Fill the now empty rye whiskey bottle with water, pour into an electric kettle or pot, and bring to a boil. Add the sugar and stir until the temperature drops to about 190 degrees F, should take about 5 min. Place the tea bags in the water and steep for 3 minutes.


  • 375 ml rum
  • 375 ml cognac
  • 4 whole lemons

2. Add the tea, rum, and Cognac to the whiskey. Peel the zest from the lemons (no white pith!). Save the lemon bodies in the fridge, you’ll juice the when serving. Add the lemon zest to the mixture, and stir to combine. Cover and refrigerate overnight or for up 2 weeks.


When you’re ready to serve

  • 2 small oranges, thinly sliced
  • 4 small lemons, thinly sliced
  • 2 (750 ml) bottles sparkling wine or Champagne
  • 1 liter seltzer or sparkling water
  • Ice block
  • Freshly grated nutmeg

3. Strain 1/2 of the base into a large punch bowl, or just remove the lemon zest if its large enough. Juice the 2 of the reserved lemon bodies and add to the punch bowl. When ready to start drinking, add 1 orange, 2 lemons, and 0.5 liters (half) of the seltzer water; stir to combine. I like to make a show of popping open the champagne bottle in front of my guests and then pouring it into the punch bowl, but the showboating is not required. Now for the step I always forget: add the ice block and serve with freshly grated nutmeg. If you know the punch will go quickly, you can skip the ice block, although it is nice to have (but a pain to make/get). You don’t want to use ice cubes because they melt too quickly and will dilute the punch.


4. When you’re read for the 2nd batch, repeat step 3 using the remaining ingredients.