Blueberry Cream

Blueberry Cream

Creams are a delicious old-school dessert, but not very forgiving to make. This delicious cream is based on blueberries, but can be made with with other berry juices (raspberry, cranberry, cherry etc.). If you’re on a diet, I’d stay away from this dessert. It’s rich, decadent, and you won’t be able to stop eating it. The original recipe is from “Kuchnia Polska”, a Polish cookbook I stole from my grandmother. 

INGREDIENTS makes 4 servings

1 cup blueberry juice (you can juice the blueberries yourself with a juicer, or by blending them in a blender and then straining the pulp out)

2 cups whipping cream

1 cup powdered sugar

50 ml (about 1 shot) rum (or elderflower liqueur if you wanna get fancy)

5 tsp (15 g) powdered gelatin


  • 5 tsp (15 g) powdered gelatin
  • 1 cup blueberry juice

1. Combined the gelatin and juice, and heat the juice until the gelatin dissolves. Place the juice in the refrigerator to cool completely. It should be cool, but still liquid. (This will take some patience.)


  • 2 cups whipping cream
  • 1 cup powdered sugar

2. Whip the whipping cream until stiff. Don’t over whip or it’ll turn into butter (not that I know from experience …). Once the cream is stiff add the powdered sugar.


  • cooled blueberry juice with gelatin
  • whipped cream with sugar
  • 50 ml (about 1 shot) rum

3. Mix the rum into the cooled blueberry juice. Gently combine the whipped cream with the juice and rum mixture. It’s very important here that the juice mixture is cool, preferably below room temperature. If the juice is at all warm, it’ll melt the whipped cream, and you will have to start all over again (it’s non-salvageable — I’ve tried).


4. Spoon the cream into small bowls, or cocktail glasses, and let cool in the refrigerator until firm.