
Easy Cranberry Relish

Easy Cranberry Relish

I was introduced to this relish at Thanksgiving with my husband’s family. I don’t think I know of another dish that packs this much yum, with so little work. The most important part of this relish is that you have to use fresh, not frozen, cranberries, 

Cranberry Chutney

Cranberry Chutney

I live for this chutney! It is the reason why I buy and freeze a ridiculous amount of fresh cranberries when they are in season. This chutney keeps for about 2 weeks in the fridge, and freezes great. I use it with just about any 

Stuffed Bell Peppers with Peanuts and Wheat Berries

Stuffed Bell Peppers with Peanuts and Wheat Berries

This stuffed pepper recipe is fantastic, and good for you. The original is from The Chopped Cookbook, and I must say it needs no deviation. The clincher in this recipe is definitely the peanut butter. Delicious! INGREDIENTS makes 8 servings 1/2 cup brown rice 1/2 

My Favorite Pumpkin Soup

My Favorite Pumpkin Soup

I love love love this savory pumpkin soup! The original is by Heston Blumenthal, but I got it by way of a friends blog I stray a bit from the recipe, just to make life easier. You can use any kind of pumpkin here, 

Chicken and Sweet Potato Pot Pie

Chicken and Sweet Potato Pot Pie

This recipe is so easy, I almost didn’t post it. But my husband thought it was so delicious I had to give you guys the recipe. The original recipe is from and I have not changed anything about it (yet). The difficult and time 

Baked Brown Rice With Apples and Pumpkin

Baked Brown Rice With Apples and Pumpkin

This is my own twist on a Polish classic — baked rice with apples — that my mom used to make just before the bitter Polish cold set in for the winter. It’s usually made with white rice, apples, and a sprinkle of cinnamon and 

Rolmopsy z Jablkiem (Herring with Apples)

Rolmopsy z Jablkiem (Herring with Apples)

Herring is a traditional dish served in Poland at every party, holiday, and often eaten for breakfast as well as supper. There are many ways to prepare the herring, and this is one of the less common ones. Rolmopsy are a German style herring that’s 

Perfect Steak Every Time (Marinade)

Perfect Steak Every Time (Marinade)

While I do believe that the best way to make a prime steak is just good old salt and pepper seasoning, with a nice rich sear, sometimes I go for the cheaper cuts / grades to save a few bucks. These steaks tend to be 

Kasza z Boczkiem (Buckwheat and Bacon Pilaf)

Kasza z Boczkiem (Buckwheat and Bacon Pilaf)

This rustic favorite is a staple for any busy Polish home cook. It’s got the holy trinity of home cooking: easy, quick, delicious. The trade off is of course a big ol’ dose of calories. But as long as you’re ok with that, this dish is 

Fasola Po Mysliwsku (Hunter’s Beans)

Fasola Po Mysliwsku (Hunter’s Beans)

I don’t make this dish too often because I generally forget that I have to soak the beans overnight, but if you are better at planning, this recipe is a cake. The bean type used here is called “Jas” in Polish, and you can buy