
Delicious Basic Pork-Chops

Delicious Basic Pork-Chops

Like a true Polish person, I just love pork chops. This recipe from the legendary Edna Lewis (“The Edna Lewis Cookbook”) is simple, and delicious. If you haven’t heard of Edna Lewis, look her up; she’s was an absolutely amazing person and cook. Back to 

Braised Escarole With Garlic Chips

Braised Escarole With Garlic Chips

I never knew you could cook escarole, but it’s absolutely delicious! This recipe is especially decadent because of the garlic chips, which add a nice crunch and complement the slightly peppery flavor of this chicory family green. The original recipe is from “The New American 

Almond Pumpkin Bread

Almond Pumpkin Bread

It’s pumpkin season again! I don’t know what that means for you, but I go crazy trying all kinds of pumpkin anything. This pumpkin bread was one of said new pumpkin adventures. I’m not usually one for gluten-free or dairy-free cooking so I was very 



Zapiekanki are the quintessential Polish street food, but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy them at home. It’s kind of like a pizza, so kids and adults alike tend to love it. Just like pizza the toppings are completely up to you. I’m partial to 

Cape Fear Punch

Cape Fear Punch

I am shamelessly ripping off Alton Brown’s recipe here. You can’t beat an old school punch, and this one will definitely delight (not to mention kick you in the teeth!). The only complaint I’ve ever gotten is that it’s stronger than people expect, so if 

The Best Gazpacho

The Best Gazpacho

This really is the best gazpacho. I’m generally not a big fan, but I make 2 batches of this every time. It’s so good I always want more after the first meal. It’s great as a light dinner or lunch on its own, but can 



This is one of my favorite rustic Polish dishes. It’s a hearty dinner that’s perfect for weekdays because it’s so quick and easy. It also makes great lunch leftovers. For some reason many Americans I know think that sauerkraut is eaten raw, but that’s actually 

Tomato And Pickle Salad

Tomato And Pickle Salad

This is one of the easiest salads you can make. It’s a great light and tangy side to any dinner, especially chicken or pork with mashed potatoes. If you’re not big on dairy, there is a variation without the sour cream, but I myself am 

Corn and Ham Salad

Corn and Ham Salad

I saw some beautiful corn ears at the market, and decided to make this filling yet refreshing salad. It’s great instead of a potato salad for summer picnics and bbq’s. I also like a small portion as breakfast. You can use canned corn or cook 

Turkey Stew

Turkey Stew

I was feeling patriotic after the 4th of July and decided to make this stew. My first introduction to American food was around Thanksgiving, so in my mind American equals harvest foods hahaha. Either way this light stew is perfect for the summer, especially since