Month: May 2020

Chard and Sweet Potato Hash-brown Breakfast

Chard and Sweet Potato Hash-brown Breakfast

Not usually a “healthy eating” fanatic, but these hashbrowns just happen to be really good for you! Honestly I like them better than normal hashbrowns. Since I discovered them on the Centr app (which I highly recommend), they have become a staple weekend breakfast at 

Kapusniak (Polish Sauerkraut Soup)

Kapusniak (Polish Sauerkraut Soup)

Doesn’t get much simpler and more quintessentially Polish than sour cabbage (sauerkraut) soup. It may sound odd,  but it’s a delicious comforting meal, perfect for those fall and winter night dinners. If you want to cut down on the sour-ness, you can rinse the sauerkraut 

Broccoli and Shrimp Frittata

Broccoli and Shrimp Frittata

I know this combination sounds odd, but it is absolutely fantastic. And the sauce makes it a grand slam. This Asian-fusion frittata is great for brunch obviously, but I have been known to make it for a light spring or summer dinner as well. The